After I finished this book I found myself asking one question. That question is, Is America Christian in name only? The views that were presented caused me to question some of my own beliefs about dealing with those who have wronged me, hurt me, or despitefully used me. I found that if I am going to represent Christ I must be like him. This means that I must learn to overcome evil with good and leave getting even to God. One of the interviews that David Carlson presented really brought this idea of being Christ like means that we must respond to evil like Christ did and our heavenly father did at Calvary with forgiveness and restoration. I would recommend this book to anyone who maybe questioning “Why do we as American Christians feel we have the duty to destroy those who attack us?”
Friday, September 30, 2011
Peace Be with You
After I finished this book I found myself asking one question. That question is, Is America Christian in name only? The views that were presented caused me to question some of my own beliefs about dealing with those who have wronged me, hurt me, or despitefully used me. I found that if I am going to represent Christ I must be like him. This means that I must learn to overcome evil with good and leave getting even to God. One of the interviews that David Carlson presented really brought this idea of being Christ like means that we must respond to evil like Christ did and our heavenly father did at Calvary with forgiveness and restoration. I would recommend this book to anyone who maybe questioning “Why do we as American Christians feel we have the duty to destroy those who attack us?”
Thursday, July 28, 2011
I finished reading Max Lucado’s book Max On Life, I would say that his answer’s to many of life’s hard questions were well thought out and scripturally based. The biggest struggle that I had with this book was after a few chapters the answer he gave seem to be repeated over and over. I understand that the Bible does hold the answers to all of life’s struggles. But it seemed that he used the same scripture to answer all the questions. So for me by time I reached the end of the book I found that I somewhat bored. I would recommend this book for anyone who may be struggling at some point in their life and are look for answers. I do think that this book would be a better reference book that you would turn to when you are looking for a place to start when looking for answers to life’s hard questions. Because I do think if you read this book straight through you’ll find that many of the chapters will sound very much alike. Over all I would give this book 3 stars.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
The Final Summit

Just finished reading “The Final Summit” to be honest it was not what I had expected. I even considered not finishing it. However the story line kept pulling me back. I just had to find out what the answer for humanity’s redemption was. This book is a great book for the history buff. I thought it was great how the Mr. Andrews used some well known individuals from history. It was also interesting how he was able to incorporate the very personalities and even a few well known quotes into the story line. I would call this book a spiritual allegory and mystery novel. I would recommend this book. I did find this book an enjoyable book. I give this book 4 stars.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
The Sacred Meal
I just finished reading The Sacred Meal by Nora Gallagher and Phyllis Tickle. I picked this book up because I have become very weary of “modern Christianity”. I have found that I am searching for the roots of my faith. I really enjoyed this book. I found the idea that no matter where we find ourselves in our Christian walk. Whether you are a Roman Catholic or you are a Holy Roller Pentecostal. We all share one common thing; we all celebrate the Sacred Meal. It is at this time we all stop and remember what Christ did for us and the promises that he made to us. I also like the fact that Gallagher reminded us that it is at communion God will at times put us face to face with the very people that we don’t want to have contact with, as if God is saying, “I made peace with you through the blood of my son, now you make peace with them at my table.” I also liked the fact that Gallagher did not get bogged down in the theological arguments about the bread and the wine becoming the body and blood of Christ. But she focused on the miracle that happens in us when we allow God to heal and restore use threw the work of the Cross. I would recommend this book to anyone that is looking for a refreshing and thought provoking discussion of Communion.
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