Today I was reading in John's Gospel John 3:30 where John the Baptist tells his followers that He (Jesus) must become greater and I (John) must become less. This got me to thinking that many of the issue I face are not because the enemy of my soul is so strong. It is because I try to be more than I should. I am just wondering how many believers could have a better walk with Christ if we could learn to stop wanting to have our way and die to self. Placing Christ completely at the forefront of our life and lived a life that said I want to please Jesus and not myself. I know as I did some soul searching, praying and talking to the Lord I found that I am guilty of want some things my way and not his. So starting today I want to change; I want Christ to be first in all I do. I want my actions to reflect the love of Christ for my fellow man. I hope that is your prayer also.
Chaplain Steve